SUPPLY: The Perfect Shave

Razor burn is the worst! We put off shaving as long as we can so that we won't get razor burn! You literally need the perfect equation to prevent it! 


Well, good news! SUPPLY has figured out the formula! They have created a combination of products that contribute to a smooth face without the negatives. All their products are made with 100% NATURAL, AMAZING-FOR-YOU, INGREDIENTS! The best part about this is that you don't sacrifice quality, you actually gain it! 

The ULTRA LATHER SHAVING CREAM goes perfectly with the the SILVER SYNTHETIC BRUSH. It's very easy to make it the perfect texture to apply to your face. Oh, and don't worry about how much to apply, it wont damage your skin! 

Finish it off with the with the HEALING POST SHAVE! Perfectly named, because it does exactly that! It is made to moisturize your skin. It not like that other stuff that will dry out after a couple of minutes. Apply it and walk away knowing your face wont be dry! 

Don't believe me go to  at and change your shaving experience for ever!
See their journey on INSTAGRAM: @supply


Ps. Its made in the best city in the world! FORT WORTH, TEXAS!!

Courtney Acuña